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Published By Soybean Growers For The Feed Industry
March 2017
March 2017

New Analytical Data Supports Soybean Meal Consistency

Each year Evonik Industries updates a comprehensive report characterizing the composition of the U.S. soybean meal. Samples of the feed ingredients are supplied to the Evonik Health & Nutrition group by feed formulators. Their laboratory analyzes the soybean meal samples and reports values for the various geographical regions that supply the feed industry. The mean values for soybean meal for crop years 2012 to 2016 are shown in the following table.


Table 1. Meal Composition by Region-2016

Table 2. Composition of Soybean Meal for Crop Years 2012-2016 (*)

Composition of Soybean Meal for Crop Years 2012-2016 (*)