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Assessment of soybean genotype amino acid and oil selection improvements on broiler performance

Crafton, S., K. Nelson, M. Costa, B. Angel and M. Kidd

This experiment aimed to determine the feeding value of soybean meal (SBM) produced from varieties of soybeans bred for increased amino acid content (SBAA) and improved fatty acid profile (SBO), compared to a conventional soybean variety in Cobb 500 female broilers. Analyzed NIR values for whole soybeans reached statistical significance for nearly every analyzed value (P<0.05). Overall, SBAA and SBO soybeans contained higher amino acid content and lower oligosaccharide content compared to the conventional soybean variety, in addition to improved fatty acid profile. Prior to the experimental period all birds were reared on common feeds. Despite having significantly different values for nutritional components as whole soybeans, once processed into soybean meal, proximate and AA analysis values were very similar for conventional and experimental soybean meals. Therefore, diets were formulated based on analysis values from the conventional SBM and inclusion amount of experimental SBM was set to 20% in all diets. Diet 1 contained SBM from conventional soybeans whereas Diets 2 and Diet 3 contained SBM from experimental soybean lines, SBAA and SBO, respectively. Diets were fed to 288 female broilers placed in eight replicate pens of twelve birds each and live performance was assessed from d 28 to 42. At d 42, six birds from each pen were randomly selected and processed for evaluation of carcass traits and incidence of woody breast. Carcass parameters measured include live weight as well as fat, breast, tender, wing, and leg chilled yields. All performance data were analyzed using a One-way ANOVA using JMP software with diet as the fixed effect and block as a random effect with pen as the experimental unit. Statistical significance was considered at P ≤ 0.05. No significant responses were observed for any live performance, carcass, or woody breast measurements.

Experimental soybean lines developed at the University of Arkansas were incorporated into broiler diets and supported performance equal to that of conventional SBM.