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Influence of Ingredient Quality and Diet Formulation on Amino Acid Digestibility and Growth Performance of Poultry and Swine

Dunmire. K., C. Stark and C. Paulk

Ingredient varieties and heat processing can influence nutrient utilization for monogastric species. Objective 1 determined the influence of SBM quality on AA digestibility and growth performance of broilers. Treatments consisted of 1 of 4 soybean sources varying in CP content and processed into SBM; two sources from a similar region were either commercially or experimentally solvent extracted. Increasing CP content increased AA digestibility. Broiler d18 BW improved (P <0.05) in broilers fed conventionally processed SBM compared to experimentally processed SBM. Feed intake improved (P <0.05) when broilers were fed conventionally processed SBM compared to experimentally processed SBM with experimentally processed SBM from a similar source intermediate. Objective 2 determined the effects of diet formulation and pelleting on AA digestibility and growth performance of swine. Diets were fed in mash or pelleted form and formulated with low or high crystalline AA and low or high RS (reducing sugars; DDGS and bakery meal). There was no feed form × crystalline AA × RS interaction observed for SID of AA. For main effects of feed form, the SID of total AA, CP, and indispensable AA increased (P <0.042) in pigs fed pelleted diets compared with mash diets. Average daily feed intake decreased (P=0.001) and G:F and caloric efficiency improved (P=0.001) in pigs fed pelleted diets compared to mash diets. Pigs fed diets with high crystalline AA had increased (P <0.024) ADFI compared to those fed diets with low crystalline AA. Pigs fed high RS diets had decreased (P <0.041) ADG, ADFI, G:F, and caloric efficiency compared to those fed low RS.

Broilers fed commercially processed SBM had improved (P <0.05) AA digestibility compared to experimentally processed SBM from a similar region. Results concluded that pelleting diets with increased crystalline AA or RS did not lead to a reduction in AA digestibility or affect the pigs’ response to pelleting.