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USDA-NASS Soybean Measurement Reports

Welcome to the U.S. Soybean Measurements pages. A primary objective for these pages is to illustrate soybean composition issues and associated opportunities. The information presented is based on USB’s further analysis of soybean samples collected from farmer fields by USDA-NASS as part of their Objective Yield (OY) Survey. We have used this information to provide compositional details on the 2018 U.S. soybean crop in the eleven represented states and attempted in various ways to illustrate aspects of the “Composition-Opportunity.” This opportunity is based on those compositional characteristics valued by end-users. The initial goal is to stimulate further thought and dialogue within the soybean value-chain regarding the “Composition-Opportunity.” The ultimate goal is to affect beneficial change in the Value-Proposition for U.S. soybeans through improvements in the product itself AND a fuller capture of the soybean’s inherent value through improved information and market systems.