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Feed Formulation – November 2018

Digestibility/Availability: The extent to which the animal can digest and absorb the nutrients from a feedstuff is important. Many ingredients may seem to have acceptable levels of total nutrients, but…

History of Soybean Meal Use

digestibility and metabolizable energy, less nutrient variability, and lower concentrations of anti-nutritional factors compared to some other protein ingredients. The authors discussed how the removal/inactivation of anti-nutritional factors was related…

Trypsin Inactivation in Soybeans

…by steam heating resulting in an improvement of protein efficiency, improvement of protein digestibility, and destruction of the pancreatic hypertrophic factor. Dr. Rackis found that trypsin inhibitors in defatted soybean…

Soybean meal Use – Nile Tilapia

…meal (SBM) is one of the most promising alternatives because of its availability, reasonable price, high digestibility, and amino acid profile. Conventional SBM also has anti-nutritional factors (ANFs) that may…

General Pages Search Results


…table values for some nutrients, selective sourcing their soybean meal and upgrading their ingredient database as new values are developed. Technical Resources Composition Chemical composition, protein quality, and protein digestibility